I’ve updated this site with a minor redesign. I switched to using Hugo to generate the site. Hugo’s speed advantage over Jekyll was a big draw, despite its tragically disorganized documentation and some frustrating minor limitations. I’ve tried to preserve all the old links, except for some reorganizing in the blog-post categories; all the posts are still there, but I eliminated some redundant categories, and category listings themselves have moved. I have also updated my page on LaTeX and digital documents with extra remarks on markdown and R markdown. The page is no longer headed “Typography or death!” though I continue to stand by that position.
The RSS feed of blog posts has also moved, since Hugo enforces the filename index.xml
, whereas it used to be at atom.xml
. If you subscribed to the RSS feed before this site update, your reader should (hopefully) be automatically redirected.
Oh, and the site background pattern is derived from William Morris’s “Wey.” I got it from a reproduction of a sketch in a scan of an old book, but I subsequently found that it’s also available from marxists.org!